Our Philosophy
In traditional ayuverdic medicine, there are 6 stages to disease. It is often not until the 4th stage that “symptoms” of the final disease process begin to manifest. Much of Eastern medicine is rooted in an idea that there are balances and flows within the body that may be optimized in function and strength. On the other hand, the western medical system is excellent at treating acute illness. It lacks, however, at offering patients guidance on health beyond the absence of illness.
Eating cleanly, exercising, and mindfulness practice all fall into an umbrella of wellness culture. These practices are part of an awakening in world culture to a proactive approach to health. At PVH, we will take the time to get to know you, to care for you when you’re sick, and to help you thrive when you’re not.
Our Mission
We are committed as primary healthcare professionals to help our clients resume their lifelong pursuit of health, fitness, and well-being.
Licensed Professionals
At PVH we have fully licensed physicians who are available to offer care if you fall sick or have pains. We also offer something more. We offer more personalized guidance to becoming the best version of you.
Patient Care
We’ll provide hands-on treatment in the office and education you can take home with you, enabling you to become an active participant in your recovery and future physical health.